Queue To Agent

The Queue To Agent activity enables Agent-based Routing. The Queue To Agent activity routes the contacts to the preferred agent directly. For information on Agent-based Routing, see Agent-based Routing.

The Queue To Agent activity identifies an agent by its Webex Contact Center agent ID or email address.

If the agent is available, you can configure the Queue To Agent activity to route the contact to a preferred agent. If the agent is unavailable, you can configure the Queue To Agent activity to park the contact against that agent until the agent becomes available.

The flow developer can chain a Queue to Agent activity with another Queue To Agent activity to route contacts to consecutive preferred agents. The flow developer can also chain a Queue to Agent activity with a Queue Contact activity to route the contact using a regular Queue when none of the preferred agents are available.

The Queue To Agent activity triggers the following events in the Event Flows tab in the Main Flow:

  • AgentAnswered: The Queue To Agent activity triggers this event when an agent answers an inbound call.

  • AgentDisconnected: The Queue To Agent activity triggers this event when the agent disconnects from a live call.

The following sections enable you to configure the Queue To Agent activity:

  • General Settings

  • Contact Handling

To configure Queue To Agent activity:


Step 1

In the Flow Designer, drag and drop the Queue To Agent activity from the Activity Library to the canvas.

Step 2

Click the Queue To Agent activity to configure the activity settings.

Step 3

In the General Settings section, enter the following information:

  1. In the Activity Label field, enter a name for the activity.

  2. (Optional) In the Activity Description field, enter a description for the activity.

Step 4

In the Contact Handling section, choose an Agent Variable from the drop-down list.

The Queue To Agent activity associates this flow variable with the agent's Email or agent's ID that you want to choose for each flow execution.

Step 5

Choose the agent's Email or agent's ID from the Agent Lookup Type drop-down list to route contacts to the preferred agent.


Provide a valid domain name for the agent's email address to ensure that the lookup is successful.

Step 6

Enable the Set Contact Priority toggle button to prioritize the contacts waiting in the queue. By default, the toggle button is disabled.

The Queue To Agent activity handles the contacts as follows:

  • If you don't assign a priority to the contact, the Queue To Agent activity assigns a default value of 10.

  • The Queue To Agent activity prioritizes the contacts with higher priority.

  • If one or more contacts have the same priority, the Queue To Agent activity routes the contact waiting for the longest duration to that agent first.

  1. Set the Static Priority to prioritize a contact before publishing the flow.

    Enable the Set Contact Priority toggle button to view the Static Priority field in the Queue To Agent activity.

    Choose a priority from the Static Priority Value drop-down list. You can set a priority from P1—P9, where P1 is the highest and P9 is the lowest.

  2. Choose Variable Priority if the contact priority changes dynamically with each flow execution.

    Enable the Set Contact Priority toggle button to view the Variable Priority field in the Queue To Agent activity.

    Choose a flow variable which returns an integer with priority 1–9 from the Contact Priority Variable drop-down list. If the priority isn't in the range 1-9, then the default priority is 10.

Step 7

Choose the reporting queue ID from the Reporting Queue drop-down list. The Queue To Agent activity reports the contact's details using the reporting queue:

The reporting queue also specifies the configuration for:

  • Permit monitoring

  • Permit recording

  • Record all calls

  • Pause and resume enabled

  • Service level threshold

  • Maximum time in queue

  • Default music in queue

  • Time zone

Step 8

Enable the Park Contact if Agent is unavailable toggle button if you want to park the contact to a preferred agent until the agent becomes available.

If the agent is unavailable and the Park Contact if Agent is unavailable toggle button is disabled, the contact fails to reach the agent. The Queue To Agent activity exits the failure branch to the next activity in the flow with the corresponding output.

Step 9

Choose the recovery queue ID from the Recovery Queue drop-down list.

The Queue To Agent activity queues contacts to the recovery queue when:

  • The Queue To Agent activity fails to deliver a contact to the preferred agent.

  • The agent doesn’t answer the contact.

  • A preferred agent rejects the contact.

You can configure the recovery queue with the Longest Available Agent. The recovery queue doesn't support Skills-based Routing.

The Queue To Agent activity is successful when the contact connects to the preferred agent. An error scenario occurs when a contact fails to reach the agent.

Error Scenarios

A contact fails to reach the agent when:

  • A preferred agent is unavailable and parking is disabled for the contact.

  • A variable lookup can't find the preferred agent.

Activity Output Variables

The Activity Output Variables store the data that is captured from activities and are automatically created when you add specific activities to the canvas.

The queue to agent activity has the following output variables:

Output Variables

Output Variable



Stores the agent ID to which the contact is queued.


Stores the description for the error scenario when the contact fails to get queued.


Stores the failure code value for the error scenario when the contact fails to get queued.


Stores the states of the preferred agent when trying to queue the contact.


Stores the description for the idle code of the preferred agent.

The QueueToAgent.FailureCode output variable contains one of the following values when a failure occurs. Each value indicates a failure code and a failure description.

Queue To Agent Failure Code Description

Failure Code

Failure Code Value

Failure Description



Agent is currently not in the available state.



The Queue To Agent activity is unable to find the agent by agent’s id or email address.



Agent is currently not logged in.



The Agent-based Routing feature isn’t enabled.



The reporting or recovery queue is invalid.



The agent is available, but engaged in another call.

The following table shows the applicable QueueToAgent.AgentState and QueueToAgent.AgentIdleCode values.

AgentState and AgentIdleCode Values

Use Case



  • Invalid queue

  • Invalid agent

  • Agent isn't signed in



Agent is reserved for this call.



Park Contact if Agent is unavailable toggle button is On and the agent is idle


<AuxCode Name>

The idle code selected by the agent in the Agent Desktop.

Park Contact if Agent is unavailable toggle button is On and the agent channel is busy



Park Contact if Agent is unavailable toggle button is Off and the agent is idle


<AuxCode Name>

The idle code selected by the agent in the Agent Desktop.

Park Contact if Agent is unavailable toggle button is Off, agent is available, and agent channel is busy