Get Queue Info

The Get Queue Info activity provides the caller's current Position in Queue (PIQ) and the Estimated Wait Time (EWT) along with other Activity output variables. You can use these variables to determine agent availability in a queue, and to route calls elsewhere when needed.

The following sections of the Flow Designer enable you to configure the Get Queue Info activity:

General Settings



Activity Label

Enter a name for the activity.

Activity Description

(Optional) Enter a description for the activity.

Queue Information and Lookback Time

Queue Information and Lookback Time



Queue Information

Choose the name of the queue for which you must retrieve a caller's estimated wait time and current position in the queue.

You can manage the queues using the Management Portal.

Lookback Time

Specify the Lookback Time used to calculate the EWT after Get Queue Info triggers.

Specify the duration in minutes only. Ensure that your input has numeric values only.

The accepted value range is 5–240 minutes.

The Get Queue Info activity has three types of output flow branches. These branches trigger based on the return status and values of EWT, PIQ, and the real-time statistics for other output variables.

  • Success: This branch triggers when both the EWT and PIQ API return positive variable values. In this flow, you can retrieve and access valid EWT and PIQ variable values.

  • Insufficient Information Flow: This branch triggers when the PIQ API returns a valid variable value, and EWT has the value of –1. In this flow, you can retrieve and access the PIQ value, but the EWT API fails because of insufficient data to calculate the EWT value.

  • Failure: This branch triggers when PIQ API, EWT API, or one or more of the real-time statistics APIs fail or return invalid values. The EWT API fails because of reasons other than insufficient data to calculate the EWT value.

Estimated Wait Time Calculation

The Estimated Wait Time (EWT) is reported in ms.

To calculate EWT, the application collects all statistically valid samples (a sample is the average of wait times for tasks that successfully connected to an agent in a one-minute interval) for the last XX minutes specified by the user-defined Lookback Time. The average value of the samples collected is used as the EWT.

Statistically valid samples are those samples collected, for which the maximum value for CoV (Coefficient of Variance of the wait times for those tasks that got connected to an agent in each one minute interval) falls below 40 percent.

If the percentage of valid samples collected for the user-defined Lookback Time falls below 40 percent, the EWT isn’t computed.