Edit an Address Book

You can edit the general settings and the entries of an address book.


Step 1

From the From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Address Book.

Step 2

Click the ellipsis button beside the address book that you want to edit and click Edit.

You can edit the following fields in the General Settings tab:




Edit the name of the address book.


Edit the description of the address book.

Parent Name

Edit the site for the address book. This field is available only if the parent type is Site.

Step 3

In the Entry List section, under the Action column, click the edit button to edit an entry.

Step 4

You can edit the following in the Edit Address Book dialog box:




Edit the name of the entry.

Phone Number

Edit the phone number of the entry.

You can specify the phone number in one of the following formats:

  • E.164 number format: [+][Country Code][Number]

    Example: +11234567890

  • IDD (International Direct Dialing) format: [IDD][Country Code][Number]

    Example: 01161123456789

Step 5

(Optional) In the Entry List section, under the Action column, click Delete to delete an entry.

Step 6

(Optional) Click the + icon to add a new entry to the entry list.

Step 7

Click Save.