Restore or Permanently Delete a Routing Strategy


Step 1

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.

Step 2

On the Routing Strategy page, click Deleted Strategies.

Step 3

Choose an entry point or queue from the Select Entry Point/Queue drop-down list.

Step 4

Click the ellipsis button beside the strategy that you want to either restore or permanently delete and do one of the following:

  • To permanently delete the strategy, click Delete. Click Yes to confirm.

    - OR -

  • To restore the strategy, click Restore.

Step 5

If you are restoring a strategy, modify the settings as required, and click Restore.


You cannot restore a deleted Chat Entry Point Routing Strategy, if a Routing Strategy is assigned to the Entry Point.

If any settings conflict with an existing routing strategy, a message informs you. In this case, you must modify the settings before you can restore the strategy.