Modify a Routing Strategy

Before you modify a routing strategy, be aware of the following:

  • Although you cannot copy the current strategy, you can modify any of its settings except those that affect execution time or date. These changes have no effect on the recurring scheduled version of the strategy.

  • When you modify the current strategy, your changes take effect immediately for new calls and remain in effect until the current strategy ends. If there are calls in the queue when the modifications are made, the existing queued calls follow the original strategy unless you check the Apply changes to current calls in queue check box to the right of the Save button.


    Changes made to the current Email or Chat entry point routing strategy are also applied to the corresponding active routing strategies.

  • When you modify a strategy that is not the current strategy, your changes take effect according to the scheduled times specified in the strategy.


Step 1

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy.

Step 2

On the Routing Strategy page, choose an entry point or queue from the Select Entry Point/Queue drop-down list.

Step 3

Click the ellipsis button beside the strategy that you want to modify and choose Edit.

Step 4

Make your changes. For information about each setting, see the setting descriptions table in Create a routing strategy.

Step 5

If you modify the current strategy and want the changes to apply to calls currently in queue, check the Apply changes to current calls in queue check box on the lower right side of the page. If you don't check this check box, the changes only apply to new calls.

Step 6

Click Save to save your changes.