Create a Threshold Rule

A threshold alert is displayed in the Agent Peformance Statistics report on the Agent Desktop if you set Agent Viewable to Yes for the threshold rule and select the threshold alert in the agent profile. For more information, see Agent Profiles.


Step 1

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Provisioning > Threshold Rules.

Step 2

On the Threshold Rules page:

  • Click + New Threshold Rule.

  • To delete a threshold rule, click the ellipsis button beside a listed rule and click Delete. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.

Step 3

Specify or change the settings for the rule. You can specify or change the following settings in the General Settings area:




Enter a name for the rule.


Enter a short description for the rule.

Entity Type

Choose the entity type to which the threshold rule is applicable: Entry Point, Queue, Site, Team, or Agent (if your enterprise uses the Agent Threshold Alerts feature).

You can specify or change the following settings in the Entity Information area:



Metric Type

Specify whether this is an Agent Threshold or a Call Threshold.


Choose the entry point, queue, site, or team to which the rule is applicable. This setting is not applicable if the entity type is Agent.

You can specify or change the following settings in the Threshold Information area:



Threshold Metric

Choose a value from the drop-down list. The list displays only those metrics that are applicable to the selected entity type.


Choose a value from the drop-down list:

  • > (greater than)

  • >= (greater than or equal to)

  • < (less than)

  • <= (less than or equal to)

  • = (equal to)

Trigger Value

Specify the value that triggers a threshold alert. The value type (duration, count, or percentage) is based on the metric selected.

The trigger value must be greater than 0 for all metrics except Available Agents, Connected Agents, Number of Agents in Outdial, and Number of Logged in Agents.

Trigger Interval

Specify the interval, in seconds, during which the system generates only one alert for the threshold rule check.

You can specify or change the following settings in the Email Information area:



Notification Receivers

If you want an individual to receive an email alert in the HTML format when the threshold is triggered, enter the email address in the Notification Receivers field and press Enter. Repeat for each address that you want to add.

To remove an address, click x on the left side of the listed address.

Text Notification Receivers

If you want an individual to receive an email alert in the text format when the threshold is triggered, enter the email address in the Text Notification Receivers field and press Enter. Repeat for each address that you want to add.

To remove an address, click x on the left side of the listed address.

Step 4

Click Save.