Module Settings

You can use user profiles to control access to Management Portal. The Module Settings tab allows you to specify permissions to the Management Portal modules. You can set module access when you create a new user profile, or edit or copy an existing user profile.

The Module Access has the following options:

If you click All for Module Access, then the user profile can access all of the modules. Click Specific if you want to provide the user access to selected modules only.

You can specify access to the following specific modules.



Agent Desktop

Allows the user to access the Desktop.

Call Monitoring

Allows the user to silently monitor the quality of service that is delivered to customers across multisource contact centers. The user can silently monitor a selected queue, team, site, or agent if you enable Call Monitoring for the user.

To enable the following settings, click the toggle button:

  • Whisper Coach: Allows the user who is monitoring the call to speak to the agent (who is handling the call), without the customer hearing the conversation.

  • Barge-In: Allows the user to join any call that the user is monitoring and participate in the conversation between the agent and the customer.

  • Restricted Monitor Only: Prevents the user from viewing and editing monitoring schedules that the user did not create.

  • View Blind Monitor Requests: Allows the user to view blind monitoring requests of other users.

Call Recording

Allows the user to record any active Webex Contact Center call. The user can select the call from a queue, team, site, or agent, and specify the duration for which to record the call.


Allows authorized users to choose a multimedia profile for the user, that includes all types of media such as voice, chat, email, and social. If Multimedia is not enabled, when you edit the user's details via Provisioning > Users, the Multimedia Profile drop-down list displays only the default telephony profile.


Users with Standard Agent user profile have access to Digital Channels only.


Provides the user access to the Provisioning module. The user can perform provisioning activities for the enterprise only if you select Edit in the Provisioning drop-down list. You can control access for an administrator user to perform the following provisioning activities for the enterprise:

  • Manage Entry Points/Queues: Allows the user to manage Webex Contact Center entry points and queues.

  • Manage Sites: Allows the user to manage Webex Contact Center sites.

  • Manage Teams: Allows the user to manage Webex Contact Center teams.

  • Manage Users: Allows the user to manage Webex Contact Center users.

  • Manage User Profiles: Allows the user to manage Webex Contact Center user profiles.

  • Entry Point Mappings: Allows the user to map DNs to entry points.

  • Manage Dial Plans: Allows the user to create and edit dial plans.

  • Audit Trail: Allows the user to access the Audit Trail interface. This interface allows users to view details of the provisioning changes for the enterprise.

  • Branding: Provides the user access to the Custom Theme settings on the Management Portal landing page. The user can customize the banner color and images on the Management Portal pages.

  • Manage Tenants: Allows the user to edit some of the tenant settings in the Provisioning module.

Recording Management

Provides access to the Recording Management module, which allows the user to search for and play audio files recorded through the Webex Contact Center Call Recording feature. You can enable the following permissions to the Recording Management module:

  • Tags: Allows the user to access the Tags tab to view, create, and edit tags that can be assigned to audio files. You can use these tags as search criteria.

  • Custom Attributes: Allows the user to access the Custom Attributes tab to create and modify custom attributes whose values can be saved with the recordings and can be later searched for.

  • Security Keys: Allows the user to access the Security Keys tab to view and change the schedule for generating security key pairs.

Reporting and Analytics

Provides access to the Reporting and Analytics module. The Reporting and Analytics module allows the user to segment, profile, and visualize the data in contact center systems. This module also helps to identify the key variables that impact productivity and desired business outcomes. Users can configure and modify the Analyzer schemas using this module.

You can provide the user access to Business Rules if you have enabled View or Edit permissions for the Reporting and Analytics module. Business Rules enable the user to incorporate customer data into the Webex Contact Center environment for custom routing and other generic implementation.

Routing Strategy

Provides you access to the Flow Control module based on the option selected such as None, View, and Edit. You can provide the user access to Manage Call Flow Scripts and Manage Media Files if you have enabled the View or Edit permission for the Routing Strategy module.

  • View: If you set Routing Strategy to View, the portal provides only the Open option in the flows table.


    When this configuration is set to View, the Copy and Delete options are not provided in the Flows tab even when you set the Manage Call Flow Scripts toggle to On.

  • Edit: If you set Routing Strategy to Edit, you can configure the following settings:

    • Manage Flow Scripts: Using this toggle, you can either enable or disable access to the Flow Control module.

      If you disable the Manage Flow Script permission in the portal for a user, then the portal blocks the Flow Control module to load by stating- "Flow access denied - You do not have permission to edit flows for your organization".

      If you enable the Manage Flow Script permission in the portal for a user, then the portal allows such user to work with the Flow Control module.

    • Manage Media Files: Allows you to upload and update media resources such as audio-on-hold files for use in routing strategies. Resource files with .wav, .ulaw, .au, .php, and .xml extensions are supported along with other formats, depending on how the tenant’s system is configured.