Edit Global Variable in a Flow

When you edit a global variable, you cannot change any metadata value of a global variable in the flow designer. However, you can change the default value using the Overwrite Default Value toggle button.

To edit a global variable in a flow:


Step 1

From the Management Portal navigation bar, choose Routing Strategy > Flows.

Step 2

Click the ellipsis icon beside the flow and click Open.

The Flow Designer window appears.
Step 3

In the Global Flow Properties pane, scroll down to Variable Definition > Predefined Variables section.

Step 4

In the Global Variable panel, click on a global variable and click the edit () icon.

The Edit Global Variables dialog box appears. It shows the details of the chosen global variable such as, Variable Type, Default Value, Desktop Label, and Agent Editable.
Step 5

(Optional) Enable the Overwrite Portal Configurations toggle button to overwrite the existing values that are configured in Management Portal. This enables you to modify field values such as Default Value, Agent Viewability, Agent Editable, and Desktop Label.

  • Enter the necessary value in the Default Value as per the chosen variable type. For example, if the variable type is Boolean, this field appears as a drop-down list.

  • The default value entered for a global variable of type string that is agent reportable must not exceed 256 characters.

Step 6

Make the necessary changes.

Step 7

Click Save.