About Time Zones

All dates and times displayed on the Webex Contact Center Management Portal and in the Webex Contact Center modules reflect the time zone that is provisioned for the enterprise with the following exceptions:

  • Dates and times displayed on the main pages of the Real-Time Reports and Call Monitoring modules reflect the browser time.

  • Time values in routing strategies are based on the time zone that is provisioned for the entry point or queue. If no time zone is specified, the time zone is provisioned for the enterprise.

Dates are converted to UTC time when they are saved to the database, so the system behavior, such as time-of-day routing, is applied universally across the multi-site contact center network, regardless of which time zones the sites are located in. The system filters the historical reports based on the enterprise time zone.

To specify a different time zone for displaying the time values in routing strategies, see View routing strategies by time zone.


When you edit a tenant time zone, you must relogin to see the changes.